Prison Officers Right To Strike

Prison Officers Right To Strike

The United Nations recognises the right to strike as a fundamental human right that should be protected by international labour law.  Commitments from previous Labour governments to reinstate the right never materialised.

This must be reversed.  It is unfair and unjust for Prison Officers and Custody Officers to be denied the basic and fundamental human right to withdraw one’s labour.

Prison Officers take their responsibilities and duties seriously. Taking strike action is always a last resort.

There has not been a single day of industrial action since the reintroduction of the right to strike in Scotland in 2015.  In any civilised society workers should have the right to withdraw their labour.

The United Nations recognises the right to strike as a fundamental human right that should be protected by international labour law.  Commitments from previous Labour governments to reinstate the right never materialised.

This must be reversed.  It is unfair and unjust for Prison Officers and Custody Officers to be denied the basic and fundamental human right to withdraw one’s labour.

Prison Officers take their responsibilities and duties seriously. Taking strike action is always a last resort.

There has not been a single day of industrial action since the reintroduction of the right to strike in Scotland in 2015.  In any civilised society workers should have the right to withdraw their labour.

Tell Your MP To Return Prison Officers' Right to Strike

Commitments from previous Labour governments to reinstate the right to strike for Prison Officers have never materialised. This must be reversed.

Pressure on your MP can help make this happen.

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